Saturday, February 11, 2012

More Favorite Posts from 2011

Here are some favorite posts from 2011. This is the second post in sharing some favorite and more popular Rabbit Slippers posts from last year as we move along with the new year. Hope you enjoy them.

Reiki is a Japanese energy healing practice, which is totally non-invasive, and at the very, very least,  it is very relaxing.  The particular experience discussed here is on a rabbit with head tilt named Ashes from a few years back. It really seemed to help my poor boy quite a bit!
Click on the link below!
Bunny Reiki: My Experience

My father passed away in May of 2011. In his old age, due to some dementia (vascular) he could be cranky, impatient and stubborn. Well, some of that was his personality anyway, but it became a lot worse with age and dementia. I look at people individually and don't classify people by stereotypes, which I just wanted to clarify in those statements. He also had old-fashioned attitudes toward women. He respected them, but in an old fashioned way. He thought I was going to college to meet a husband for example. He liked to tease me about my rabbits a lot too. He liked to act crusty on the outside, but was a softy inside, especially for children and animals.
Click on the link below! 
My Dad and my Rabbits

I love history, especially everyday life types of examples of history. When my husband and I stayed at the Rabbit Hill Inn in Vermont, there was an authentic tin chandelier (read the post for details), which was originally used in what was the ballroom of the inn in the 1800s. There is a neat story as to why it was there. The story goes on with some discoveries at Old SturbridgeVillage (an open-air living history museum) in Massachusetts.
Click on the link below!
Lighting History Took Place at Rabbit Hill Inn

There are other favorite and interesting posts, feel free to explore Rabbit Slippers blog for a variety of topics.

Hoping you are having a wonderful day.
Mary Ellen

Rabbit Slippers has a new e-mail address if you want to e-mail any ideas, suggestions, comments, concerns or share anything. 
Please follow Rabbit Slippers Blog on Twitter, too, @RabbitSlipprs . 
Please "like" Rabbit Slippers Blog on Face Book to keep up with the latest postings and events.

You can also sign up by e-mail notices at the top right of the page. (Your privacy is important to Rabbit Slippers).

You can also follow through Google Friend Connect or Networked Blogs, both located in the right side bar.
Thank You!
Please visit the Rabbit Hop Shop at the following link (Rabbit Hop Shoppe link) for rabbit themed items and gifts!  Please also "like" the Rabbit Hop Shoppe Facebook page. Thanks!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Favorite Interviews from 2011

Thought we'd share some of our favorite and most popular interviews from Rabbit Slippers Blog from 2011 before we get further along into the year of 2012.

One of our most popular and entertaining interviews was with our friend Flat Bonnie, the lovely little "flat" adoptable stuffed bunny friend of ours, who promotes rabbit adoption, but only when you are ready! Enjoy this interview as we get "the scoop" from Flat Bonnie from the litter box!
Flat Bonnie Interview

The first interview we did with a rabbit rescue/ shelter was with Pam of Sweet Binks Rabbit Rescue of Rhode Island. I was familiar with Pam and Sweet Binks originally through all her great posts and support of rabbit owners in need through the great House Rabbit list serv Etherbun. Sweet Binks just celebrated its 10th birthday!   Click on the link below!
Sweet Binks Interview

An organization that I always intrigued by was  Bunnies In Baskets. They are an organization which trains people and bunnies to do what is often called Pet Therapy or Animal Facilitative Therapy (AFT), when I went to school.  Bunnies in Baskets was started by Sarah Baran in Oregon.  Here's that wonderful interview. Click on the link below!
Bunnies In Baskets Interview

 The first interview I did with a real rabbit, Facebook personality, turned out to be a very popular one! Nestle Frey, who always speaks candidly, provided an entertaining interview about The Girl (his human slave), his adopted sweetheart Merilee and not really admitting to liking commitment in a relationship. Read it for yourself for the the inside story and chuckles too! Click on the link below!
Nestle Frey Interview

Hoping you enjoyed checking these out!  We have already had some great interviews this year of 2012.  Why not explore Rabbit Slippers Blog and check them out!  Thanks for visiting!  Rabbit Slippers is always looking for new ideas! Please let us know who you'd like to see interviewed, if you know someone who would be interesting to our readers. Also please share any ideas you have for Rabbit Slippers! We are always open to your ideas!

Thanks for stopping by!

Rabbit Slippers has a new e-mail address if you want to e-mail any ideas, suggestions, comments, concerns or share anything. 
Please follow Rabbit Slippers Blog on Twitter, too, @RabbitSlipprs . 
Please "like" Rabbit Slippers Blog on Face Book to keep up with the latest postings and events.

You can also sign up by e-mail notices at the top right of the page. (Your privacy is important to Rabbit Slippers).

You can also follow through Google Friend Connect or Networked Blogs, both located in the right side bar.
Thank You!
Please visit the Rabbit Hop Shop at the following link (Rabbit Hop Shoppe link) for rabbit themed items and gifts!  Please also "like" the Rabbit Hop Shoppe Facebook page. Thanks!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Interview with Nicholas Quixote of Rabbit Bites


I am glad you joined us here! We have a very special guest here today! I have been a big fan of his work since it came out. I will admit that the first thing that attracted me to his work was the use of rabbits.  What kept me coming back besides the rabbits was the creativity, the feel,the "retro" and the sharp wit to say the least. This can be none other than Rabbit Bites, part real bunny video, part animation, fun music, oh I could go on.  When we had dial-up internet (we caved to DSL later than most people), I would not allow anyone to touch the computer for the hour it took the latest short (a few minutes long) Rabbit Bites episode to load up! This always was short of a war starting or conceding special privileges for other things. The bargaining, although painful sometimes, was always worth it. Can you tell I love Rabbit Bites?

I need to gain my composure! I am so excited to introduce Nicholas Quixote, the creator of Rabbit Bites!  Let's give him a big hand!  When people are asking why you are clapping at your computer, just tell them why! It's Rabbit Bites and Nicholas Quixote time!

RS: Thank you so much for joining us Nicholas! Would you tell us a bit about Rabbit Bites in your own words? What brought on the idea for Rabbit Bites? 
NQ: The idea began when I was working in another field and saw an opportunity to make short films and get a job. 6 months after I started, I was a paid contributor at and was soon sponsored by Purina. Making money and films at the same time was all I had hoped it would be.

In the beginning Rabbit Bites was about having fun by poking fun at things we found on the Internet. The primary theme that drove it in the beginning was to counter one of the key themes of the time about the democratization of publishing and image use, and it's affect on the image of the self. All that was ever said about these developments were positive at the time because much of the knowledge of how things worked technically was held by the folks pushing the technology - they all wanted to make a buck.  The new person was a public one? Then Rabbit Bites was going to see how they liked that, indeed! Bite! Bite! Bite! The thing you threw together in 5 minutes is your artistic expression? Reeeaaaaally? Bite! Bite! Bite! We poked fun of people that couldn't keep their face off the new "TV" like Steve Garfield or Blogger Robert Scoble. We liked many of these guys and felt that we came to know some over time, but hey, a rabbit's got to have fun.  I wish I could show you the one with Steve.  I just looked for it...I thought it was on Revver but I see that that is gone, poof: It only took me 9 months to know about it. That shows you how much I pay attention these days.

The collusion of positive spin on technology is kind of sad. All we hear about for years is the randy anarchy of flash mob Santas and free hugs from every home page for years. It's the Id that will mainly get expressed on this Internet, not much more in the Age of the Screen: Don't worry, I'm aware of the irony that I use it but there's no choice is there? Besides, it's a great tool! I have an iphone. I have a, gulp, 4 computers.
Buns of Rabbit Bites

RS: Please tell us a little bit about the characters of Buns and Chou Chou?
 NQ: The characters were sketched out quickly but evolved over time. Buns is British,  prickly and likes to eat. He's an "everyrabbit" of the Jackie Gleason school, BUT he is educated at Oxford. He rubs elbows with everybody from truck drivers to professors but will not suffer haughty fools who speak without knowing. We felt that folks would appreciate stinging criticism with a British accent as this had become popular on TV with folks like Simon Cowell dressing people down nightly. 

Chou Chou is the nice one: She's from California and likes to do things like play volleyball I guess. She could hold her own against Buns and would really earn the most money by hosting a daytime talk show.
Sweet Chou Chou of Rabbit Bites

RS: Did you expect and hope Rabbit Bites to become the big hit that it has become?
NQ: Not in my wildest dreams. I expected it to be much bigger.
Sarah Palin: Queen of the Wild Fronteir

RS: What makes Rabbit Bites different from other animated series?
NQ: That it was done by a complete amateur and is only half animated.
RS: Rabbit Bites  almost seems to have it's very own niche. Would you say that it fits into any categories or has created a new one perhaps?
NQ: Well, I think you have definitely cornered the niche on Rabbits. Somebody had to do it - Pictures, stories, business reviews, interviews. It's got it all. 

Two Hollywood Rabbits named Buns and Chou ...

RS: I have never found anything comparable to Rabbit Bites. I love it, of course, because of the rabbits, but also because its of its sarcastic wit and creativity. It is chic, retro, uses adorable bunnies, but has such wonderful characters too. It also has a quality that seems to give you a freedom to comment on things, do things that other commentary media couldn't comment on in as bold and creative a way. In ways, there's a simplicity to it, but also, it's very smart and sharp. I love that it let's me laugh and let loose on topics that stress or annoy me- such as politics for example, or ridiculous people that really have no basis for being in the news except that they are celebrity. I also think of Rabbit Bites having a quality like the original Star Trek or the Planet of the Apes movies, you can can make social and cultural commentaries that it would be otherwise much more difficult to get away with in more mainstream "real-life" commentary or stories. Rabbit Slippers also is just extremely creative and silly. Watching Rabbit Bites almost feels like being with a friend that one can let their guard down with and say what one really feels. What do you think of all this?
NQ: We couldn't have said it better ourself, we hope others feel like we are friends.

RS: What role has the internet played in the life of Rabbit Bites? What changes have you seen in the internet and media since you started Rabbit Bites?

NQ: The Internet played a huge role: as home for Rabbit Bites, as subject matter,  as a learning process, etc.  The Internet has become more corporate and mainstream. The sad thing is much of the good promises of it  get subverted by money. RSS is great but many sites have been leaving it off. I think Marshall Kirkpatrick has written on this:  As for media, it could be good, but I'm leery about the prospects. I don't find more to like with cable. That's going to be 100 fold true with Internet media.  Give me the old days of less choice. Fred Willard expresses it perfectly right here:

RS: How do you get ideas for Rabbit Bites? How much are you inspired by what's going on in the world of popular culture?
NQ: I went to pop culture because I realized I couldn't just make fun of folks on the internet. What the heck, it's beating a dead horse.  I'm not really inspired by pop culture, it's like, the opposite.

I found the 50's to the 70's inspiring in popular culture because more people were funded and free to do something special. Now they try and count the money before they do anything, and the results are abysmal.  This is true of Broadway and other areas of popular expression.  It's not just the money though, more of the folks making things today are not working with the same cultural toolset as their elders, and it shows.

 One of my favorites of Rabbit Bites videos: Florence Henderson Hair

RS: Do you think Rabbit Bites has affected pop culture at all?
NQ: No

RS: Is it a part of pop culture?
NQ: It's not really that popular, so I'd have to say no.
RS: Is Rabbit Bites a satire on pop culture and those that report it as well (such as Entertainment Tonight, Perez Hilton, etc.)? 
NQ:  It has satirized both, but Rabbit Bites is focused more broadly, on all of us.

RS: I have seen it change from its own web page to also having a YouTube channel. I first saw Rabbit Bites through I believe in 2006. I found them quite by accident. How would you say Rabbit Bites has changed over the time of it's existence? What has influenced these changes? 
 Bionic Buns Episode

NQ: To an extent, it was to broaden the audience and have more folks become aware of it. More people know and read about pop culture than the Internet's heros and zeros.
Paris Hilton interview given before Larry King interview

RS: I see in some of the video credits there are mentions of different bunny organizations, groups and mentions of things familiar to the "bunny lovers community"? Do you support or have any favorite organizations or have ones that you have a liking toward? 
NQ: We have been friendly with the House Rabbit Society and a few others from the beginning.

RS: Are you the headless guy in the suit who plays Buns and Chou Chous' boss? (Love the effect of a faceless human- a bit like Charlie Brown and the "wa wa wa" voiced grown-ups!).
NQ: Yep, that's me. I really have a head though.
 Nicholas Quixote plays the "headless" therapist in this funny episode!

RS: Is there anything we might be looking forward to or that you might wish to announce to readers in regards to Rabbit Bites?
NQ: I really appreciate any fans that stuck with Rabbit Bites throughout the time and made it until today. I would like to make more but was stopped in my tracks when I had a child. I plan to do something else in the future.

 Rabbit Bites and The Apprentice with Donald Trump

RS: Is there anything you may wish to add that we didn't cover? Is there any other place that we may find any work you have done unrelated to Rabbit Bites?
NQ: Rabbit Bites is it, but stay tuned. That's not all folks!

RS: Nicholas, thank you so much for the time that you spent with us sharing all about Rabbit Bites and the inside story!  I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future. I'll definitely be looking for it. For me this is like some Tweener getting an autograph from Justin Bieber, except you actually rock! 

Rabbit Bites can be found on:
You Tube: Click here: Rabbit Bites on You Tube channel
Rabbit Bites Website:
Facebook: Click here: Buns and Chou Chou of Rabbit Bites

Some Favorite Posts from 2011


Thought you might enjoy some of our more popular Rabbit Slippers posts as well as some of my favorites from 2011 before we get deeper into the new year of 2012.  Although I have some favorite interviews which were also popular, they will be in separate interview posts.

My brother kept teasing me about a piece of "furniture" at my father's place out of state.  My father used it as a shelf for magazines- that's what he saw it as.  I thought it was just a nicely made doll bunk bed my dad picked up a  local handcrafted wood furniture store up in Maine (known for it's pine trees and craftsmen!) where he lived.  My brother kept calling it "The Bunny Bunkbed" and kept insisting I take it home for we were cleaning out my dad's place for him to go to an assisted living place. So my husband and I decided to try it out as "The Bunny Bunkbed" and this was the result. Click on the link below!
The Bunny Bunk Bed

A Close-up of Grumbellina in the lover bunk.

Another favorite of mine is "The Bunnies of Christmas". I participated in a Christmas Blogshare and had to tie bunnies to Christmas. I tried to make it special in my own way, I worked in nursing homes, a rehab hospital and in a mental health setting for years.  I also volunteered at several nursing homes. During my volunteer work and sometimes in my career, I brought bunnies in to visit the residents or clients. Here is the holiday time visit at an assisted living place. Click on the link below!
The Bunnies of Christmas

One of the Bunnies of Christmas

Many of you are probably familiar with Flat Bonnie, a beautifully made toy bunny, who promotes the adoption of rabbits.  One thing about Flat Bonnie, is that on the website and FB page, many people take photos of Flat Bonnie in places where they travel...with Flat Bonnie! It is similar to those traveling gnome commercials. I was so impressed with my Flat Bonnie that I started to bring her places. On my ten year anniversary second honeymoon trip with my husband to the Rabbit Hill Inn (an incredible place!) in Vermont, Flat Bonnie tagged along. I took pictures of  Flat Bonnie there. They are special. Flat Bonnie took on a life of her own, made bunny friends there and decided to live there! I understood her love of the place and new friends so I let her stay. It is a delightful piece. See how enchanting the Rabbit Hill Inn is and why Flat Bonnie decided to stay. Lots of photos! Click on the link below!
Flat Bonnie Decides to Live at the Rabbit Hill Inn

Flat Bonnie posing at the Rabbit Hill Inn

This is getting long, so I think I will actually create another post with favorites from 2011.  Thanks for stopping by! Looking forward to spending the rest of 2012 with you.

Rabbit Slippers has a new e-mail address if you want to e-mail any ideas, suggestions, comments, concerns or share anything. 
Please follow Rabbit Slippers Blog on Twitter, too, @RabbitSlipprs . 
Please "like" Rabbit Slippers Blog on Face Book to keep up with the latest postings and events.

You can also sign up by e-mail notices at the top right of the page. (Your privacy is important to Rabbit Slippers).

You can also follow through Google Friend Connect or Networked Blogs, both located in the right side bar.
Thank You!
Please visit the Rabbit Hop Shop at the following link (Rabbit Hop Shoppe link) for rabbit themed items and gifts!  Please also "like" the Rabbit Hop Shoppe Facebook page. Thanks!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Two Hollywood Rabbits named Buns & Chou Chou

Have you heard of Rabbit Bites starring Buns and Chou Chou? 

Check out some of their great episodes here! They are retro, they are sharp and witty too! Their sarcastic humor does have bite! Who would have thought these cute, sweet little bunnies had it in them? They have heart, but they have bite too! LOL.

I love the graphics, the retro images, the cracks on culture, the colors and animation, the music, the humor and of course the stars themselves!!!


Alec Baldwin 

Rabbit Bites can be found on:
You Tube: Click here: Rabbit Bites on You Tube channel
Rabbit Bites Website:
Facebook: Click here: Buns and Chou Chou of Rabbit Bites

We have a special surprise coming up soon related to Rabbit Bites! Stay Tuned to Rabbit Slippers Blog!
 Update: Here is a link to the surprise! A special interview with Nicholas Quixote, the creator of Rabbit Bites! Interview Link to Nicholas Quixote Interview from Rabbit Bites!

Rabbit Slippers has a new e-mail address if you want to e-mail any ideas, suggestions, comments, concerns or share anything. 
Please follow Rabbit Slippers Blog on Twitter, too, @RabbitSlipprs 
Please "like" Rabbit Slippers Blog on Face Book to keep up with the latest postings and events.

You can also sign up by e-mail notices at the top right of the page. (Your privacy is important to Rabbit Slippers).

You can also follow through Google Friend Connect or Networked Blogs, both located in the right side bar.

Thank You!
Please visit the Rabbit Hop Shop at the following link (Rabbit Hop Shoppe link) for rabbit themed items and gifts!  Please also "like" the Rabbit Hop Shoppe Facebook page. Thanks!

No Bunny Left Behind: Bunnies 'n Books Rabbit Adoption Fair

Hi There ,
I came across an event that struck me as being so creative and unique! It's a Valentine's Day Celebration that has so many shiny facets that sparkle from the gem that it is!  It is run by RabbitEARS Adoption Store in El Cerrito, California! The event is part of a No Bunny Left Behind ongoing literacy program which is held monthly. I was given the opportunity to speak with Judy Hardin, the founder of RabbitEARS and also the one who started No Bunny Left Behind which includes the Bunnies 'n Books reading group. Judy is going to tell us about their special event, bunnies and literacy and RabbitEARS Adoptions!

RS:  Hello Judy, Thanks for joining us here at Rabbit Slippers. We are so glad you are joining us here to share about your event and programs, which I think is so creative and weaves many positive things into something that benefits bunnies, children, adults and education! First we'll get some background and then we'll discuss the Valentine's Event! Tell us a bit about RabbitEARS!

Snowdrop and Nutmeg
Peter & Charlotte
Peter and Charlotte
JH: RabbitEARS is a rescue organization, which I founded, which focuses on rescuing mainly rabbits but some other animals, rabbit and animal adoption, education on dealing with the many aspects of having a companion rabbit- health, regular care and their other needs. We also sell and recommend pet supplies which help support our organization. We also hold events which promote adoption of these animals.

RS: Sounds like quite the undertaking!  Please tell us about the No Bunny Left Behind program.


JH: No Bunny Left Behind, RabbitEARS' Community Literacy Project is for people young and old, which sponsors a monthly reading club that explores the portrayal of bunnies in classic literature, fiction, nonfiction, popular culture and children's books. RabbitEARS developed a humane education program through literacy, taking the challenge from Rosemary Wells (beloved author of the Max and Ruby series) who wrote the wonderful book called Read to Your Bunny. So our community program is called No Bunny Left Behind. We use reading, writing, art and play to foster kindness for animals. We use accredited books and ask lots of questions to inspire empathy in young and old alike to find ways of treating animals with kindness every day. We train volunteers to do readings in schools, churches, everywhere. We have trained doctors, teachers and even the chief of police to do this! The book club was designed to get more adults and young adults interested in reading and understanding the ways that rabbits are portrayed throughout our lifetime in books, and how that portrayal can shape the ways we treat animals. It's very fun and interesting.

RS:  From what I understand, you have one group which focuses on just bunnies?
JH: Books with Bunnies meets monthly on the second Thursday of each month. Book clubbers read, discuss and enjoy the portrayal of bunnies in classic literature, fiction, nonfiction and children's books. We explore the bunnification of rabbits from the realistic literary rabbits of Watership Down, to the comic and crafty characterizations of Bugs Bunny and Brer Rabbit, to the humanizing and cuddly portrayal of Beatrix Potter's bunnies, and to the urbanization of modern bunnies in popular children's books today. 
The rabbit is a singularly appropriate literary creature because we see it in so many different ways: a cuddly pet, a trickster, a suspicious wild animal, aloof and shy prey animal, a swift and destructive invader. Not an animal to be underestimated or understood. No wonder writers keep coming back to the rabbit!

 RS: The rabbit is definitely portrayed in many different ways and is appealing to so many people! Since the time I became a bunnaholic myself, I have looked at the way buns are portrayed in art, cartoons, books and in popular culture through the ages. There are some bunnies I don't care for and some that are just so captivating and intriguing.  What you are doing sounds like a lot of fun, even if one wasn't as hooked on rabbits as much as myself. This sounds so neat. This leads us to your Valentine's celebration event.
Tell us a bit about your Valentine's Celebration Event- to start, when and where is it?

JH:  Our Valentine's event is the Funny Bunny Valentines Day Celebration and Adoption Fair. It will be held on Saturday, February 11th, 2012 at RabbitEARS Adoption Store located at 7523 Fairmount Ave, El Cerrito, California.  There are different events within the time frame of the fair. There is something for everyone! The events are as follows:

Chrissy Heinz
Bunnies 'n Books Reading Group reading Winnie the Pooh, 11am to 2:30pm
Funny Bunny Valentine Adoption Fair, 2-4:00pm Special Guest Api Scatapi reading from her book Funny Bunny Adventures, 3:00
Pooh Food with Chef Jerry served all day!

RS: Starting with Winnie the Pooh, I guess you will discuss "Rabbit".
Rabbit from Winnie the Pooh
JH: Yes, this month's selection will celebrate Rabbit in Winnie the Pooh by A. A. Milne.
We re-discover this classic children's book before the meeting or enjoy selected readings from the reading group. Together we'll explore Rabbit's relationship to Pooh, Owl, Eeyore, the small critters in the forest, Christopher Robin, and to all who love rabbits and reading! Did you notice that Rabbit does not wear clothing like most of the characters? 

RS: Never thought about that one. Sounds like it will be lots of fun and thought provoking. Now, I must know, what is Pooh Food and who is Chef Jerry? I am sure there will be "Hunny" (that's how I remember it was spelled in the movie or book illustrations.). What else? 
Oreo and Snickers

JH: Chef Jerry is a local chef who frequents RabbitEARS. He teaches culinary arts at a local high school for disadvantaged kids. He is so great. Pooh food will be all the things that Pooh and his friends like to eat: lots of honey! Cream cheese with nasturtium sandwiches(editor's note: rabbits and humans can eat nasturtium flowers!, cucumber sandwiches, honey cookies, honey cakes, etc.
Double Dutch! Lily and Chuck

RS: This is so creative! I love it!
Tell us a little about your guest Api Scatapi.

JH: The woman, Api Scatapi, who wrote the Funny Bunny series is a new local writer, living in Berkeley. I don't know much about her but she has several Funny Bunny books in a series all planned out.


RS: This is great, local talent!  And speaking of local talent, there are going to be adoptable bunnies there too, correct?

JH: Yes definitely! Wander around the Rabbitat and meet Heart-throbs Tomatillo, Bunnyman, Thelma and Louise, Napoleon, Oreo and Snickers, Miu Miu, Peter and Charlotte and many more rescued rabbits looking for special forever Valentines! Find a special bunny buddy to sponsor or donate to our annual Easter spay/neuter fund drive. 

RS: For those people who can't attend, but would like to adopt, volunteer, sponsor a bunny, donate or would like more information, how may people find you or contact you?

JH: People can reach us at: 
7523 Fairmount Ave,
El Cerrito, CA
Phone: (510)-356-4233,
our website: 
on Facebook:

RS: It is such a pleasure to have you with us here! Running a rescue with such diverse services must keep you very busy, so we appreciate the time you took to spend with us! Thank you for sharing about this unique special event and the regularly occurring events (No Bunny Left Behind literacy groups/other Books with Bunnies meetings and training) as well.

Rabbit Slippers has a new e-mail address if you want to e-mail any ideas, suggestions, comments, concerns or share anything. 
Please follow Rabbit Slippers Blog on Twitter, too, @RabbitSlipprs . 
Please "like" Rabbit Slippers Blog on Face Book to keep up with the latest postings and events.

You can also sign up by e-mail notices at the top right of the page. (Your privacy is important to Rabbit Slippers).

You can also follow through Google Friend Connect or Networked Blogs, both located in the right side bar.
Thank You!
Please visit the Rabbit Hop Shop at the following link (Rabbit Hop Shoppe link) for rabbit themed items and gifts!  Please also "like" the Rabbit Hop Shoppe Facebook page. Thanks!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Your Loss is Just As Real When You Lose A Pet

Editor's Note:  This post was actually written and posted in my other blog which I have been on hiatus from since October.  It is a support blog for those who are dealing with Grief and Bereavement.   I started it because it was something I always wanted to do and it was a way I thought to help others and myself.   I lost my father in May 2011. In October, it became too difficult to write it. I will get back to it. This post is one on the legitimacy of dealing with the loss of a pet. I have been seeing many people lose their pets recently and thought this was a good one to share here. I have dealt with a lot of loss in my own life and have lots of education and professional experience with death and loss too. I hope some insights I've learned are helpful to you. Please share this post if you know someone who is dealing with the loss of his or her furry companion. Thanks.

To start, I will say that there will be more than one post on this.  Dealing with the loss of a pet can actually be more difficult that dealing with the loss of a human being loved one.

The beauty of being in a relationship with a companion animal is the pure and unconditional love that is shared between a person and their pet. We can be ourselves without fear of being judged!  There generally isn't risk in showing our emotions with this loving creature. This reminds me of the saying that goes something to the effect of, "Try to be the person that your dog already thinks you are". Our pets treat us as if we can do no wrong.

One of the major down sides of dealing with the death of one of these extremely loving and pure creatures, other than feeling the grief, is that most of the world won't take your loss as seriously as they would if you lost a human being.  My father used to talk about how when our dog, Penny, had passed away that it saddened him as if the dog was one of his own children. It was the first time I ever saw him cry. I think it may have been safer in society to cry over the dog.  In more recent years, I used to feel insulted that my father would compare his love for the dog to his love for us, his children.   As I thought about it though, I can understand how this dog became such an important part of his life.

I used to work with a woman, who took the day off when one of her dogs of many years passed away. She didn't take days off from work without notice, but she did this particular day. The boss treated her as if she was just trying to get a day off and snubbed the feelings publicly of this person upon her return to work. My co-worker confided to me that she just wouldn't have been in any shape to work.  I personally think she did the right thing.

I have several house rabbit companions. When I have lost them to death, I usually am distraught. The relationships I have developed with them are real. They are not fake. We interact, we play, tease each other lovingly, comfort each other, cuddle, show disapproval with some things (not getting their way for example), among other things. They care for us. We care for them. When they are gone, it is a major loss.

The working world and other people in the world might not always understand. I have had people tease me asking me if they can have the rabbit for dinner after it's dead. I don't think they are trying to be cruel, even though it hurts at that point, they just don't understand. If the person is someone who you feel is insensitive much of the time in other situations, I would just not discuss it with them.  If the person who says it is otherwise not a negative or insensitive person, they probably just don't understand. I suggest you politely say that you are feeling deep grief and loss, even if they don't understand why, perhaps they will respect your pain and needs for sensitivity to your feelings.

Your feelings are real and you should follow through with the grieving process with your pet as much as you should with the loss of a human loved one. Nurture yourself and feel everything. Validate your feelings. They are real and are to be taken seriously. The rest of the world might not understand, but there are a lot of people who will. Just be careful to be selective whom you share with.  Love yourself and take care of yourself.  It's important.

May you find peace,
Mary Ellen

Rabbit Slippers has a new e-mail address if you want to e-mail any ideas, suggestions, comments, concerns or share anything. 
Please follow Rabbit Slippers Blog on Twitter, too, @RabbitSlipprs . 
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Thank You!
Please visit the Rabbit Hop Shop at the following link (Rabbit Hop Shoppe link) for rabbit themed items and gifts!  Please also "like" the Rabbit Hop Shoppe Facebook page. Thanks!