Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Remember to Vote for the Animals

While cruising Facebook one day, I came across an organization called Connecticut Votes for the Animals. They gave an endorsement for a Congressman running for one of our Senatorial seats because of his values and history which shows he is more likely to vote for legislation which supports the welfare of animals.  It did start me thinking.

An organization I found accidently through Facebook wasn't the first time I started to think about politics and animals shaping any upcoming votes.  The famous story of Mitt Romney's dog named Seamus got me thinking. Some links on Seamus: http://seamus2012.com/ and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitt_Romney_dog_incident.

If you follow my personal Twitter account you would know my personal political leanings, but I try to keep that out of my blog. I generally tried to keep politics out of my blog, period. I changed my mind on it for this piece though because I think it is another thing we really need to think about seriously.

If you are an animal lover and participate in social media such as Facebook, Twitter and so forth, you probably see requests from animal rescues, animal welfare organizations and the like to sign petitions, donate money, write letters to the editor or to our legislators.  Another way we can definitely reach out is with our vote.

Ask yourself the question, who will most likely support your beliefs in protecting animals and their welfare- be they pets, in a zoo, in the wild or on a farm?  I look at political parties or candidates and look at what they support. For example, question, "Do they support factory farms and the corporations that send out their products?" What candidates support good habitats for animals in the wild and the environment? What candidates create legislation or support companies that create GMO food and put it in food for our pets?  What legislators introduced, created or supported legislation to help deter or deal with animal cruelty? What issues out there directly or indirectly affect the welfare of animals?

 Researching this stuff is a lot easier nowadays compared to years ago because you can directly "google" a topic. Many of these topics affect us as well, but viewing the candidates through the eyes of our animal friends can help you in your voting decision this year and every year. It is also another reason to get out there and vote.  Voting is a right that many generations have fought for to give us the power to start having a say. Each vote can make a big difference. Some elections have been won by fewer than 30 votes or even 1 or 2 votes!

So before going out to the voting booth. Take a look at their sweet little faces, whether they have fur, feathers, fins or scales, think about them and ask them who they would vote for.  Help give them a voice!

Please stop by the Bunny Burrow Boutique on Etsy. There are rabbit-themed jewelry items, but it's not limited to that! There are nature and animal themed items and just some nice pieces that would appeal to anyone. Please also "like" us on Facebook. By the way, there is free shipping for USA and Canadian purchases  also.  Thanks for stopping by today.

Rabbit Slippers has a new e-mail address rabbitslippersblog@gmail.com if you want to e-mail any ideas, suggestions, comments, concerns or share anything. 

Please follow Rabbit Slippers Blog on Twitter, too, @RabbitSlipprs . 

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Check out the new Etsy shop "Bunny Burrow Boutique" with handmade rabbit-themed and other jewelry, art and the occasional vintage item! Here are the links: Etsy Bunny Burrow Boutique  Please also "like" the Bunny Burrow Boutique Facebook page too! Some of the Bunny Burrow Boutiquemoney also goes to rabbit rescues and non-profit organizations! Thanks for checking us out. Also, just for reading Rabbit Slippers Blog,  you can use the coupon code: "RABBITSLIPPERS1" (on Etsy Shop) at checkout to get a 20% discount off your purchase  until the end of day October 31st, 2012.                                                        

Please visit the Rabbit Hop Shop at the following link (Rabbit Hop Shoppe link) for rabbit themed items and gifts!  Please also "like" the Rabbit Hop Shoppe Facebook page. Thanks!