Saturday, September 19, 2009

Itchin' to get outside this evening....

The air has that great fall crispy nip in the air. Although it is evening here, I want to go out and enjoy it somehow. It is Fair time of year, but the fair I want to go to isn't until next weekend. I look forward to this every year. I am just itchin' to go do something with my husband and then come home and just cuddle up with a bunny and maybe the hubby. I hope you are enjoying your evening.

I have to go to work tomorrow, but I won't think about that now.

Have a nice night!

Friday, September 18, 2009

A very early morning here on the East Coast. Good Morning, I have been up late playing with some designs for a on-line store I have started.
It is all in the beginning stages but it is exciting to try new stuff, as well as share and express my love for rabbits.

I had fun this afternoon playing with some of my bunnies in the yard. They are a big and loving part of my life. It was fun to see them frolic and play. It is fun to see some of the other dimensions of their personalities come out in a different environment for most of them are house rabbits. Some are rescues. Some have been bought. They are all special with their own unique personalities.

Little by little, I will tell about them and talk about other aspects of life-related and not related to bunnies. You will get to know my bunny family. I hope to hear about yours also. The Black and White Lop Rabbit used as my profile picture right now is Grumbellina (an unusual name which I will explain sometime as well). She is super sweet and loyal and cuddles with me in bed quite often. Not for the whole night, I don't feel that would be safe for her. We both do help each other to relax though.

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Rabbit Slippers

This blog is titled Rabbit Slippers because I want it to feel like a comfortable place not just for me to come express myself, but for those of you who read it. I hope your enjoy your visits here with me and am interested in hearing what you have to say.

So slip something comfortable on your feet, cuddle up in a blanket and relax. Pour yourself a hot cup of tea and join me. I look forward to sharing and getting to know you.

I am a rabbit lover and have learned so much from them and have found them to be much comfort as well. From time to time, if not very often I will share anecdotes about life with them.
I will keep this brief for now. I need to learn more about setting up this blog and will leave it here for now.

Til next time......